I'm sorry to say, you have probably lost your husband. Whoever he was will have been replaced by a "cult personality", you either need to get him to stop and get the old him back, or accept he is gone and move on. Sorry I'm not being harsh, just realistic.
Can you barter with him a bit? Offer to study 1 hour of his beliefs with an open mind and you show him 1 hour of your own CAREFULLY PREPARED anti-WT material. I put that in caps because if not then it works the other way, I have seen my partner talk to her dad who has doubts, but she doesn't know the doctrines well and it all comes across very vague and actually makes him more pro-WT. Just pick something, like 607 and then show with the list of kings in their own literature how that makes no sense. Keep things very short, don't get sidetracked or argue, don't make anything personal or make any ad hominem comments - you might have a chance.